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Latest from the ICG

ICG Member Buddy Scheme

ICG Member Buddy Scheme

An opportunity for ICG members to meet and exchange ideas/opinions with other members. Members are paired up for 3 months, after which the pairings change. No huge commitment needed, just a willingness to (probably virtually) meet up with your 'buddy' at agreed times...

RECORDING: Everything you wanted to know about Marketing

RECORDING: Everything you wanted to know about Marketing

Everything you wanted to know about Marketing (but were afraid to ask). A Q&A with two Marketeers (who are not afraid to answer) This webinar has been generously sponsored by Teneo Translations Teneo Presentation – The ICG July 2024 Join this Q&A style webinar...

AQR’s Qualversations Podcast

AQR’s Qualversations Podcast

The ICG is delighted to be sharing the AQR's Qualversations podcast series.   Introducing Qualversations : AQR’s new podcast series designed to expand perspectives and deliver thought provoking opinion pieces. It is shocking to think that only 23% of business...
